COVID-19 Information

HCPSS will have a fully virtual first semester for the 2020-2021 school year, which runs Tuesday, September 8 through Thursday, January 28, 2021.

SAVE THE DATE(s): September 3: New Student Orientation: Virtual Meetings. 

                               September 8: First Day of School

                                                   School begins at 8:30am for all students.

                                                    Meet with 2nd Period Teacher... for a quick check in.  8:30 to 8:50  a.m.

                                                   Follow Schedule:

                                                               Period 1:  9:00 to 9:45 am

                                                               Period 2:  10:00 to 10:45am

                                                               Period 3:  1:10 to 1:55pm

                                                               Period 4:  2:10 to 2:55pm

                                                               Period 4 Additional Support Time  2:55 to 3:15pm

                               September 15: Back to School Night: Virtually. Schedule with times and link to come out soon. 


Student Schedules: Students will be receiving notification of their classes very soon. We will be operating on a four (4) period day; with students taking online classes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday each week. Wednesdays are reserved for small group meetings, asynchronous learning, and work completion. Students will have four (4) classes each quarter. 

            MIddle School Schedule


Fall Meal Service Update: The food services program during the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year will consist of free Grab-and-Go meals served Monday through Friday from 8–9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.–12:45 p.m., beginning Tuesday, September 8. Breakfast and lunch can be picked up at either meal time. Meals will be provided free of charge for all students, subject to USDA funding availability. Detailed information about meals for the 2020-21 school year are provided online.


Virtual Instruction Responsibilities, Expectations and Best Practices
A successful virtual instruction program for the 2020-2021 school year requires collaboration and shared responsibilities among students, educators and families.

Google Meet Expectations for Students and Parents/Guardians
To ensure a positive, productive and enjoyable learning experience for all participants, it is important that all students and parents/guardians adhere to these Google Meet Expectations, which include online behaviors for students and privacy guidelines for parents.

Student Technology Devices - Requests

Coronavirus 2019