Student and Parent Help for Virtual Learning


Printable Student Schedule Organizer


Ms. Verlich is holding help desk hours for students every Wednesday from 8-9 a.m.  Please use Google Meet code bbms-library.

BBMS - Student and Family Technology Support Request Form  - Bonnie Branch families should use this form to submit a request for technology support. Additional information and resources can be found online at,

Student Technology Resources: Provides guides, resources and videos for HCPSS student technology. Below are some direct links to commonly used resources:


Bonnie Branch Student Attendance Information
Bonnie Branch has a new process for parents and guardians to report their student's absences. Please send all absence notes to to ensure that your student's absence is excused and that they will have the opportunity to make up missed work. Please include both your child's name and your name in the email along with the reason for the absence. As a reminder, BBMS must receive a note within three days of your child's return to school. When emailing a note, you will receive an automated message to verify your email was received. Please do not send absence notes to your child's homeroom teacher.

If you have questions about your child's attendance, please use to submit those questions as well. We will research and respond in a timely manner.