Principal's Message

April 17, 2023

Hello Sharks!

We hope you and your family enjoyed some time together over the spring break and that students are now ready to finish the year on a high note!  Quarter 4 is here!

Today marks the last day to purchase your yearbook!!  I saw a preview and our book looks great.  You will be very impressed with the work our students did to put that together.  Yearbooks are $27 (add $3 for the current events insert).  Details are provided below so you can still get that order in tonight.
Tomorrow (April 18) the Quarter 3 report cards will be available to view online.  Log into your account to view grades and comments from staff.  We hope that you are seeing a positive trend in how your student(s) is/are performing and know that we are here if you have any questions.  Our goal is for each and every student to develop good habits and strong academic skills needed for success in high school.  Please reinforce this message ~ your encouragement plays a big part in how students approach school.

We have many activities coming up in May and June that highlight the accomplishments of students and we hope you take time to come and help celebrate those successes.  Be an active member of the BBMS community, meet new families, and show your support.  We greatly appreciate it!

Have a great day!

Dr. Cockley, Principal

Community News - April 14, 2023

4/17:  Movies That Matter Film Festival at Applied Physics Lab

4/18:  Be Peaceful Day - wear pink (show kindness to others)!

4/21:  Professional Learning Day - School closed for students

4/20-4/28:  MCAP (ELA) Testing  (Math Testing begins May 12)

4/28:  6 to 8:30pm International Night (Information below)

5/2:  PBIS Spirit Night at The Crazy Mason Milkshake Bar - 4 to 7:00pm

5/3:  Enrichment Fair 6 to 8:00pm (Information below)

5/5  Glow Party Dance (PTA Sponsored Dance) 7 to 9:00pm (6,7, & 8th Grades)

Dates - 8th Grade Only

6/7:  8th grade Promotion Ceremony at BBMS @ 10:00am (tickets required)

6/8:  8th grade picnic at Centennial Park (school day activity for the entire grade)

6/9:  8th Grade End of Year Dance @ 7pm (8th Graders Only)

LAST CALL to purchase the BBMS 2022-2023 Yearbook!

Last day to order is Monday, April 17th! Yearbooks will be distributed to students in June.
Yearbook Cost: $27. (additional $3. for Zoom - current events insert)
BBMS Yearbook ID Code: 4327223
Any questions please contact Tiffany Wendt at

News Topics

International Night - Friday, April 28th 6:00pm - 8:30pm
BBMS International Night will take place on Friday, April 28th from 6-8:30 
Please join us for the BBMS International Night to enjoy a trip around the world in one night!  
We also invite you to serve as a BBMS ambassador for a country of your choice...celebrate your family’s origin, or a country you have visited, or a country you plan to visit and want to learn more about. 
See the flier and sign-up genius below for more information.   
We look forward to celebrating our school and community’s diversity with you! 
For questions, please email:
BBMS International Night Sign-Up Genius:

http://​​​​​​​International Night Flyer

BBMS Enrichment Fair 

The BBMS Enrichment Fair will take place on Wednesday, May 3rd from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at Bonnie Branch Middle School.
This is an evening showcasing our student’s hard work and achievements through exhibits, performances, and presentations.
We will also have Food Trucks arriving at 5:00 p.m., so take the night off from cooking and join us as we celebrate our BBMS Sharks!

HCPSS Rainbow Conference - Register Now!
The HCPSS Rainbow Conference will be held on Saturday, May 6th from 9am - 5pm. 
The conference will be hybrid with opportunities for both virtual and in-person participation. 
For more information scan the QR code on the http://Rainbow Conference Flier or access this http://link.

Girl Scout Troop 159 Soccer Ball Drive
Girl Scout Troop 159 is collecting new and gently used soccer balls for the Ellicott City Soccer Club Special Needs Clinic.  The drive will run from Tuesday, April 11th through Friday, April 28th.  The donation bin will be in the main entrance hallway of the school.  The soccer club’s website is below if you would like more information about the program.

Howard High School Summer 2023 Camps

Does your student still need some activities for the summer? 
Do you have a future Howard High student who would like to get a sample of what the sports programs are like?  Howard High's Lions' Pride boosters organization is sponsoring Summer Camps that range from soccer, to wrestling, to basketball.  This summer, there's even Coding & Robotics! 
To check out all the offerings and get more info, please see the flyer below, or just go to and click on SUMMER CAMPS.  Thank you!

Howard High School Summer Camps

Gifted and Talented (G/T) Summer Institutes for Talent Development
The Gifted and Talented (G/T) Summer Institutes for Talent Development offers additional advanced-level instruction and enrichment experiences not regularly available during the academic school year for rising 6th through 8th grade students. 
Recently, we were able to open up additional spots in three of our newest middle school classes:
Environmental Justice League (EJL) Project H2O (Session 1)
Environmental Justice League (EJL) Project Earth (Session 2)
Crime Stoppers (Session 2)
Adventures in Printmaking (Session 1 and 2)
Course descriptions are available on the http://G/T Summer Institutes Course Listing.
Students may attend for Session 1, Session 2, or both sessions. While the program is half-day, before and after care is available on site via Howard County Recreation and Parks.
No testing nor prior G/T coursework is required for enrollment in these enrichment offerings.
A few highlights ---
Bus transportation to area collector stops.
Financial assistance is available for students participating in the Free and Reduced Meal Program.
HCPSS students may enter registration requests through HCPSS Connect on April 1 at 6 p.m.
For more information on how to register, please see this http://this registration guide.
Additional courses are available for waitlist requests only and are marked on the http://G/T Summer Institutes Course Listing
Contact: or 410-313-6671
Click on the flyer below for more information.

GT Summer Institutes for Talent Development