Principal's Message

March 3, 2023

Hello BBMS Shark Families!

The third quarter is underway and we are excited about what our students are doing.  Did you catch "Beauty and the Beast"?  Our students showed everyone how truly talented they are whether they were on stage, back stage, working the sound or lights, creating costumes, doing makeup, or helping with set design.  Many who attended remarked about the "professional" quality of the production and were amazed that this was a middle school.  Hats off to everyone involved!  You really made BBMS proud!

This week we celebrated Staff Appreciation Week and thanks to our PTA, we were able to offer everyone a delicious Taco Tuesday!  Thank you for being such a supportive PTA who recognizes the hard work from everyone at BBMS.  This is a great partnership and we are lucky to have the dedicated parents who volunteer their time for the PTA.  We will be electing new officers for next year soon and have some good news - there are candidates interested in leadership roles.  We can alway use more help though - so please consider helping on a committee if you can't devote the time for an offier position.  We love the help!  Another example of the PTA's support was seen recently when they provided funding ($600) for students to be able to participate in the Woodworking Club after school.  Students and Mr. Ensor thank you for the generosity!

And, throughout February, students and staff at BBMS have been celebrating Black History month, which will culminate with a viewing of "Hidden Figures".  This movie was selected because it will help students make connections between African American History with Women's History Month (March).  On March 15, we will group students in "Shark Time" to view the movie and have discussions around central themes.  Our goal in doing this is to help everyone at BBMS feel a greater sense of belonging and to celebrate the rich diversity of our school.  Too often in middle school we see students treat each other in unkind ways; they say mean things and don't consider the impact; or they minimize teasing and bullying as "no big deal".  As parents, we need you to have conversations about this and help us create the learning environment everyone wants at BBMS.  One way you can help is by checking your student's social media.  Have you seen what they are viewing online?  When is the last time you looked at one of their group chats?  Students don't talk or act the same when they are around adults, so monitoring electronic communication is a great way to see what they are doing when you aren't around.  This includes when they are riding to and from school on their bus.  Students act differently in those settings.  Please emphasize these points - we thank you!

Lastly, we created a new warning bell in the morning that rings at 8:08am.  This is a two-minute warning for students to be in their first period class.  If you are a car rider family, dropping off after 8:08am will mostly likely result in students being late to class.  Please leave extra time in the morning for drop off; only allow students out of the car when they reach the back door (not along the hill or side entrance) and then loop around to exit.  If you arrive after 8:08am - have students enter the main entrance up front.

We are proud of the progress many students are exhibiting (grades, behavior, MAP testing data) and can't wait to share those successes with you.  Have a great day sharks!

Thank you!

Dr. Cockley, Principal


 - 3/6 & 3/7 MISA (Science Test - 8th grade only).  This will take place in Science classes.

 - 3/9 MESA Team Field Trip.

 - 3/13 Spring Picture Day.  Pictures are not for the entire school.  Only students who pay in advance online or bring an order form payment on 3/13 will have their picture taken. (more information can be found below)

 - 3/14 Respect Differences Day #1.  Everyone should wear patterns, shapes & polka dots!

 - 3/14 Pi Day Parenting Collaboration, 5:30-7:30.  Location: cafeteria (more info below).

 - 3/15 School-wide viewing of "Hidden Figures"; and it is a 3 hour early dismissal day.

 - 3/24 8th grade field trip - Romeo and Juliet.  The 8th grade class is going to Baltimore to view a production of "Romeo and Juiet"

 - 3/27 Debate Team County Competition.  Location:  Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab

 - 3/28 Respect Differences Day #2.  Everyone should wear patterns, shapes & polka dots!

 - 3/31 End of Quarter 3 - PEP RALLY DAY!  And, it is a 3 hour early dismissal for the end of the marking period.


1. CAREAPP connects our community to free and reduced-cost services for food, health, housing, transportation, and more in multiple languages. Families and/or school staff can start by typing in the family’s zip code and answering a few brief questions.  Please use the link below for more information.


2. Please complete the family file on HCPSS Connect

Log in with your username and password

On the left side, click other and then family file


3. Pi Day Parenting Collaboration - Join the Music Boosters and music teachers for a "Pi Day Parenting Collaboration" on 3/14/23. Support our Coal Fire Pizza fundraiser while attending this "caregiver-only event." March 14, 2023 in the BBMS cafeteria 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. -- Eat dinner with other parents/caregivers while collaborating on effective parenting strategies. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. -- Feel free to continue your conversations or join the Music Boosters across the hall for their regularly scheduled meeting. Consider bringing a laptop to access a shared Google Doc where we can organize ideas.