BBMS PTA News 12-11-19


December 11, 2019

Important Dates (mark your calendars)

December 11th – PTA Meeting in the Staff Lounge

January 17th- First Ever Paint Night

February 3rd- Restaurant Night at Coal Fire

February 6th- First Ever Literacy Night

Upcoming Events Annual Snowball Dance!!


PTA Hospitality Committee and Hearing and Vision Thank You!!!!!!

On behalf of the PTA Hospitality Committee we would like to thank everyone who donated, volunteered or contributed a dish for the staff lunch/dinner last month!!! Thanks again for making the event special the staff!! This is just another way to show appreciation for their dedication to our students!!

Thank you to Laura Diltz, Deb Markowitz, Kathryn Mello and Jeff Stanyard for their assistance with the Hearing and Vision testing!! Everything ran so smoothly and staff appreciated the help!! Thank you for generously volunteering your time during such a busy time of year!


Howard County PTA News

Homewood's 16th Recycled Treasure Sale will be held on Thursday, Dec. 19, 2019.

Donations are accepted to be used for students to "buy" holiday gifts.

Please see flyer on the BBMS PTA website and Facebook page.

Donations are being accepted now through Dec. 13th.  They may be dropped off at Homewood School during school hours 7:25 am - 2:10 pm (1:10 pm on Wednesdays).


PTA Reflections Art Program!!

BBMS PTA Reflections Arts program would like to congratulate all participants for sharing their talent and creativity in various categories such as Visual Arts, Literature and Photography based on this year's theme, "Look Within." We would also like to thank our judges our fabulous teachers; Ms. Sharbaugh and Ms. Butler and Parent volunteers, Ms. Tahanny Chehab and Ms. Kristen Lee for blind judging the competition :)


Here are the school wide winners:


1st Place: Elizabeth Asubonten 6th Grade

2nd Place: Mary grace Fabode 8th Grade

3rd Place: Wania Malik 6th Grade



1st Place: Marisa Otero 7th Grade


Visual Arts:

1st Place:  Wania Malik 6th Grade

2nd Place: Anette Horner 6th Grade

3rd Place: Lauren Jackson


For more information contact:


Kelly Green & Momina Malik

Reflections Co-Chair


Paint Night!!

BBMS Pastry & Pallet Paint Night!!!

Parents, grab your family and friends and make plans to attend an unforgettable, creative night!  The PTA is hosting a Paint Night on Friday, January 17th from 6:30pm to 9:00pm in the cafeteria.  Our featured instructor is local artist, Rebecca Giro. Payment of $35 (per painter) is due via PayPal ( or Venmo (Rebecca-Giro) by January 12th so supplies can be purchased and prepped in time!  Admission includes wood pallet, tutorial, desserts, and lite refreshments. All painters will leave with a completed masterpiece!  Questions?  Email Rebecca Giro at

Ready to create your masterpiece?  Sign up at the link below to register, pay and choose your custom pallet.


BBMS PTA Paint Night Registration



Literacy Night!!

Bonnie Branch is proud to present our first ever Literacy Night!

We will be featuring

•           Local author, Wayne Batson

•           Local graphic novelists teaching illustration

•           Family literary games

•           Children’s author and BBMS teacher, Dana Pegram

Join us February 6th from 6-8 pm in the BBMS media center to check out our huge night of literacy programming.  This is a free, all ages welcome event so bring the whole family! We will be looking for volunteers for this event so please look for the sign up genius in the PTA e-blast in January!




Shark Shop!!

Holiday Shark Shop is off to a great start!  We are still accepting donations of items that would make great gifts for Moms and Dads!  Also we are in need of Holiday gift bags!  Please consider helping us out!  Thanks to everyone that has donated already.  All donations can be left in front office. 


Spirit Wear!!!

Need some holiday gifts this year?  How about some BBMS spirit wear?  We have some T-shirts left for sale, both blue and gray option. $15.90 (incl. tax). Contact Therese Cooper our spirit wear coordinator for sizing options.



Much thanks to the following F.B.I warriors for consistently showing up for “High Five Fridays”!!

Steve Green, Chris Williams and new comer Tim Simms!

The kids are very enthusiastic to greet us, so come and join us the  first Friday of every month 7:40am- 8:00am.  See you next month!!

Look for other opportunities to support the F.B.I! If you are not already a member please join at any time!  Contact our F.B.I. chair Jeff Johnson at Remember if you need a male presence at your BBMS activity or event, call the F.B.I!!!


Be sure to check out our website and our fb page Bonnie Branch Middle School PTA for the most current information.