Intramurals and Clubs

After School Programs at BBMS

Dear BBMS Families,

We hope that you are ready for the upcoming winter break and that you and your family have a chance to spend time together, to celebrate the season, and to enjoy the company of good friends too.

Before we head home for the break, we wanted to share with you what is available to students after school for enrichment and support:

1.  Beyond School Hours Tutoring/Support: This program helps students in their core subjects.  It meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:05pm to 4:15pm.  Transportation is available through our Activity Bus.  For more information, contact Administrative Intern, Mr. Jon Dupski ( 

2.  Clubs / Intramurals:  BBMS offers a variety of afterschool clubs that includes Homework Help, Step Team, Art Club, Karate, Jazz Band, Chess Club, SAGA, Fun with French, Percussion Ensemble, Poetry Slam, the BBMS Musical, and our Student Council.  Contact our main office for more information (410-313-2580).

3.  RISE (Recreation Inspired Sports for Everyone).  A flyer came home with students on 12/19/19.  Program begins February 12 and runs until March 19.  Parents must register their child by January 27.  Financial Assistance, Snacks, and Transportation are available.  For more information, contact Ms. Anna Gannon (

4.  Girls on the Run.  Ms. Felecia O'Meara (8th Grade Social Studies Teacher) is hoping to have a few parents sign up to help her coach this team.  She won't be able to run the program on her own, so please let us know if you are interested.  For more information, contact Ms. Felecia O'Meara (felicia_o'

We could also use the help of parents to run these programs.  If you are able to free up time in your schedule - we would love to have you help coach and sponsor activities.  If you are able to help - please get in touch with the sponsors above.  The RISE program hires parents, so this is a paying job, and also opens doors for parents who may want to coach in the spring and summer too.

Thank you for considering this!

Go Sharks!

Drew Cockley